Looking for a great R2R deal?

Tired of the messy FB and Whatsapp groups?

Welcome to R2U, the leading marketplace for R2R deals.

Designed for investors, to eliminate the chaos, build trust
and bring order to the R2R market space.

See the live deals now

How does R2U work?

R2U is 100% free to use for investors

A simple 3 step process to grow your portfolio quickly and securely

  1. Complete your profile

  2. Search and filter the live deals to match your criteria

  3. Declare your interest to access the full information in the investor pack

Why R2U

  • See all live deals at a glance

  • Filter with your criteria

  • Compare the best deals - thanks to R2U unique Profit-index

  • Avoid multiple middle-men: all deals are direct to the lead-sourcer.

  • No made up figures - R2U sense-check all deals numbers

  • No more time-wasters - the investor-led star-rating system lets you know who’s for real and has a good track record (coming soon)

What is R2U

R2U is the solution to bring order and trust in the Rent-to-Rent market space, free to use for Investors.

It’s been called “the Rightmove of R2R”.

It’s a platform where investors can see all the live deals, filter and browse freely, then reach out directly to the lead-sourcer, avoiding the disruptive co-sourcing dynamic where multiple middle-men gets in the way of you building your business.

R2R deals in your inbox

Sign up for our newsletter to receive new R2R deals in your inbox weekly.

We’re also working on a cash-back scheme on the sourcing fee you pay to the sourcers, and we’ll start offering it to our newsletter subscribers soon.

By signing up you agree to receive R2R deals and relevant content from R2U.
R2U will never share your email with 3rd parties.

The story

R2U has been built by a team of sourcers and investors, looking to bring order in the wild west that is the R2R sector at the moment.

So, we get it.

We get the frustration of investors trying to negotiate a deal through multiple middle-men, never really knowing if their offers reach the Landlord or get lost in the Chinese whispers game.

We get the anxiety of not getting enough visibility on who else is competing for the deal. Is some other investor beating you to the punch simply due to having more direct access to the Landlord?

That’s why we have created R2U.

We want to bring fairness and trust in the R2R game, so we vet everyone on the platform and we check every number that gets shared. The star-rating system is built to root-out the bad apples and elevate the most effective players, those who get the job done.

We welcome you here and trust that you’ll find R2U being a positive force helping you build the best R2R business.